Repair Work Progressing Well at Natutama


Repair work on Fundacíon Natütama’s Education Centre in the Colombian Amazon has made great progress as these pictures show.

Thanks to fantastic support following our Christmas 2021 appeal, Children of Colombia supporters provided funds for major repairs to the education centre which had fallen into serious disrepair due to bad weather, lack of income during the Covid pandemic and the effects of time and climate on the mainly natural construction materials.

Money raised by Children of Colombia provided 800 woven palm leaves, nails and twine for the new roofing, payments for local workmen skilled in traditional construction techniques and paint and materials for the wonderful, bright new artwork on the floor of the roundhouse.

The education centre is used by visitors, the local community and local children to share information about conservation of endangered species of plants and animals in the delicate ecosystems of the Amazon rainforest and waterways.  Bright artwork and models illustrate the lifecycles and habitat of manatees, river dolphins, turtles and other species that are only found in this area of the world and rely on conservation of their habitat for survival.

With all major repairs now complete, the Natütama team can carry on with their important educational activities in their bright, waterproof and refurbished centre in Puerto Nariño.



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