Get free donations with every online purchase this Black Friday with Give As you LIve

Free Charity Donations with Online Purchases this Black Friday!

Did you know that major supermarkets, High Street brands and even comparison sites will donate between 1%-4% (and sometimes more) of your online spend to Children of Colombia with no cost to you if you sign up to Give As You Live? It’s such an easy but little known way to generate free funds – something we can all do with minimum effort once we know about it! 

Lots of us have turned to online shopping during the current pandemic. With shop closures and social distancing restrictions, it has proved a lifeline to have home deliveries of essential items and still buy gifts for friends and family for important occasions like birthdays and anniversaries.

“I’ve raised over £100 for Children of Colombia since signing up with Give As You Live – mostly from doing my mum’s weekly grocery shop online when she was living at home and couldn’t get to the shops herself,” writes Children of Colombia Secretary Gwyneth Simmons.  “If I buy clothes or gifts online for birthdays or Christmas each purchase generates a percentage which goes straight to the charity with no admin or fuss on my part. It’s really easy. And in these difficult times, when the charity needs all the support it can get to help children and young adults who are vulnerable or suffering, it’s hard to find a reason not to raise free funds when you can.”

Just click on the link below to sign up:

Amazon also gives a percentage of every purchase to Children of Colombia if you sign up to Amazon Smile. smileOnce signed up, just sign in to your Amazon Smile as you would to Amazon and carry on with your shopping as usual. 

Online purchases are likely to peak this weekend when prices are slashed and pre-Christmas sale events are scheduled for what has become known as Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday. So please consider signing up to Amazon Smile and Give As You Live today and know you are helping Children of Colombia with every online Christmas present or grocery order.

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